Host a Podcast!

We know that Amideast Alumni are full of innovative ideas, and we’d love to turn your ideas into podcasts that can be shared and distributed to our larger network! If you would like to host a podcast, please complete the form below keeping the following guidelines in mind: 

Is your idea for a podcast innovative? Our alumni have a vast array of experiences and expertise – both professional and personal. We would love to hear your idea for a podcast that would be well received by others.

Is your idea for a podcast relative? In keeping up with changing world events, we want to ensure that our podcasts speak to people in ways that motivate and inspire!

How do YOU feel about your idea? If you’re not passionate about spreading an important message, then it may not be worth it at this time.

Are you able to invest your time, skill, and expertise? Podcasts are easy to create, but we will rely heavily on you to make it happen!

All of our podcasts are no more than 20 minutes in length, taped by telephone, and edited here in-house. Your podcast would then be streamed via our website, social media, and other outreach platforms to connect with our alumni network around the globe!

If you are ready to pitch your idea, please complete the details below. We will respond to your proposal with a “YES,” “NO,” or “Let’s Talk about It” within one-week! 

Program Enrollment Dates