Donate to DKSSF

Support the DKSSF and help make the college dreams come true for promising Arab youth by donating to the DKSSF.

Education is a bridge to a better life and to career opportunities.

The DKSSF expands access to educational opportunity for academically qualified youth who possess leadership potential and yearn to make a difference in their societies, but lack the means to afford a quality higher education. With the generous support of donors, this unique Amideast program enables us to identify deserving students and match them with undergraduate scholarship opportunities at U.S. universities and colleges.

The DKSSF also covers testing fees, tuition for test preparation courses, and other costs associated with the application process, as well as a host of incidental expenses that typically occur during a successful student's four-year undergraduate program.

Please help us continue this worthy educational effort by making a tax-deductible donation to Amideast.